
Name of company: Reinhard Körösszegi

Brand: Roadshowlimo

Legal form: individual enterprise

Owner: Mr. Reinhard Körösszegi

Registered office: Breitenfurter Straße 111-113, 1120 Vienna, Austria

Trade authorizations: Travel Agency, restricted to § 126 Abs. 1 Z.2 GewO 1994, GISA: 33812359
Personenbeförderungsgewerbe mit Pkw, GISA: 25745085

Surveillance authority: Magistrat der Stadt Wien,

Surveillance authority: Magistrat der Stadt Wien, Wipplingerstr. 8, 1010 Wien

Chamber affiliation: Chamber of commerce (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)

Tax identification number: ATU 61402618

Tax office number: 247/1369 tax office Korneuburg

Telephone number: +43 1 802 7777

Email address:

Responsible for content: Mr. Reinhard Körösszegi

European Commission consumer platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR): We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.